Mission Statement
CAPITA Productions, Inc. exists to provide access to quality
theatrical and performing arts training and performance

About Capita
Our Story
City at Peace in the Arts (CAPITA Productions) is a result of artistic
collaborations initiated in 1990 by the late Ms. Arlene Skwierawski (1937-2021) and the
late Brother Booker Ashe (1932-2000).
What we do
CAPITA is a non-profit, multi-cultural performing arts company based in Milwaukee. It
partners with local schools and the community to produce musical theater serving
students and others who may have limited access to quality theatrical training.
CAPITA’s signature production, “We are the Drum” is an annual stage production that
encompasses African American History and the performing arts. It is styled with a
unique 3E model – “Educational, Entertaining, and Enlightening.”
We are the Drum is an annual performance presented by CAPITA Productions that
incorporates African American history and the performing arts in an educational,
enlightening, and entertaining stage production. A virtual version of this performance
has also been developed for classroom use. During the performance, an
intergenerational cast of talented students and community performers help to highlight
African our history (the bitter and the sweet) and renditions of some of our popular past and present-day entertainers.
Live performances can be augmented with a virtual version of We are the Drum with accompanying lessons plans. The virtual show is enhanced to be adaptable for a variety of age levels and aligned with Department of Public Instruction’s learning objectives. The virtual program can also be made available for community groups.

Values and Goals
Foster multicultural awareness and racial harmony through the production of outstanding performing arts events.
Inspire individuals of all ages, races, and cultures to discover and develop their talents through the discipline of performing Arts .
Diversify and expand programming options.
Develop consistent, varied income streams to improve sustainability.

Ms. Arlene Skwierawski
City at Peace in the Arts (CAPITA Productions) is a result of artisticcollaborations initiated in 1990 by the late Ms. Arlene Skwierawski (1937-2021) and thelate Brother Booker Ashe (1932-2000).​What we do CAPITA is a non-profit, multi-cultural performing arts company based in Milwaukee. Itpartners with local schools and the community to produce musical theater servingstudents and others who may have limited access to quality theatrical training.
CAPITA’s signature production, “We are the Drum” is an annual stage production thatencompasses African American History and the performing arts. It is styled with aunique 3E model – “Educational, Entertaining, and Enlightening.”We are the Drum is an annual performance presented by CAPITA Productions thatincorporates African American history and the performing arts in an educational,enlightening, and entertaining stage production. A virtual version of this performancehas also been developed for classroom use.
During the performance, anintergenerational cast of talented students and community performers help to highlightAfrican our history (the bitter and the sweet) and renditions of some of our popular past and present-day entertainers. Live performances can be augmented with a virtual version of We are the Drum with accompanying lessons plans. The virtual show is enhanced to be adaptable for a variety of age levels and aligned with Department of Public Instruction’s learning objectives. The virtual program can also be made available for community groups.